CFS Virtually There
Creation Fellowship Santee Virtually There. Community of Believers that believe in a literal 6-day Creation as laid out in the Book of Genesis. This is not just a belief but the evidence is witness to a world wide flood that happened approximately 1700 years after the original creation. We are NOT Flat Earth.

6 hours ago
6 hours ago
We are excited to welcome back internet evangelist Nathan Jones of Lamb & Lion Ministries as our #CFSVirtuallyThere2025 speaker this week. Dr. Jones spoke for our #CFSVirtuallyThere2021 Fellowship twice, on the topics of "Devices of the Damned" and "Israel & End Times Technologies in Biblical Focus." Find links for both of these great talks at
In addition to hosting the "Christ in Prophecy" television series, Nathan is also an author, and this time he'll be joining us to speak on the topic of his book, "The Coming Millennial Kingdom," and specifically what Christians' roles will be in it.

Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
Fan-favorite CFS speaker Dr. Jason Lisle is back to answer the question: How did we get the Bible?

Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
Dr. Anthony Silvestro presents one of the lessons CTI's new "Apologetics for the 21st Century" curriculum. This will focus on Big Pharma. The Word of the Lord stands true for all ages and times.

Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
Join us as we welcome Nate Loper from Canyon Ministries. Nate will be joining us to explain how those really cool rock formations you might see off the coasts when you go to the beach or go for a drive were formed! Like and follow our Creation Fellowship Santee Facebook Page so you get notified when we go live!